Semi Permanent Makeup is the art of implanting pigment into the dermal layer of the skin. Unlike traditional tattooists who work with ink, we are implanting pigment made of iron oxides, iron being the most stable and common of all the elements, it is non-toxic, inert, innocuous and non-active, much like mineral make-up.

Emma chooses to work with a digital system, rather than the hand held microblade method of implanting by hand. Whilst Emma can microblade (she has taught this method) we believe the digital system offers a more uniform, reliable result. There is no chance of pigment being pushed too far into the skin (resulting in bluey black brows). Working with a digital machine is way less traumatic for your skin, no tearing , no blood, no pain and just an all round nicer experience.

The pigments are designed to fade gradually in the skin, that is why we refer to these procedures as semi-permanent makeup. However, the pigments are amazing (these days) and fade really slowly whilst retaining their original colour. Gone are the days of clients returning with pink eyebrows or grey eyeliner, most of our clients come back after about 2 years for a top-up procedure to keep their makeup looking fresh. 

Every procedure begins with client consultation forms, we email forms to you for your full medical history.

Eyebrow procedures normally take about 1.5 hours. Most of that time is spent measuring and plotting where your brow should be and chatting. There are fixed measurements that apply to every face and once your brows begin, arch and end where they are “supposed” to your face will look lifted and open. We spend most of the appointment drawing and agreeing the shape for your new eyebrow. The actual tattoo only takes around 20 minutes.

We use numbing creams for all the procedures, there is no pain, in fact sometimes clients fall asleep!

The eyeliner procedure is slightly more straight forward because we are following the contour of your eyelid. We take time discussing the look you want to achieve and then apply numbing creams. Emma works very gently over your eyelid, holding your eye closed in a gentle stretch, there is no pain and no drama!

The lips procedure takes the longest simply because there is more to tattoo. Whether you are looking to re-define the shape of your mouth or add colour to your whole lip.